Mexican dog breeds list| Hairless mexican xoloitzcuintli dog| chihuahua

Mexican dog breeds list| Hairless Mexican Xoloitzcuintli dog| chihuahua 

The Actually Fact is that there are only 2 dog breeds identifies as Mexican dog breeds by International canine Organisation. Other Dog breed's origins are not certain. It is believed that many ancient Dog breeds of Mexico have been extincted. Which remains us with just 2 Dog breeds to discuss. The Famous Mexican Dog is hairless Mexican Xoloitzcuintli and chihuahua. Which are interesting and amazing Dogs Xoloitzcuintli know For their Ancient History and chihuahua know for their Size in Guinness World Record.

1. Xoloitzcuintli 

Hairless mexican xoloitzcuintli dog

Xoloitzcuintli is a weird Dog, Because of its History. But Cute the way it looks. 
In the Old Mexican, History Xoloitzcuintli is considered a scared Dog, It is believed that its spirit is used to make contact with the underworld.they were referred to as God Dogs.
Often Xoloitzcuintli was killed along when Their owners died, they would be placed with their graveyard to safeguard their journey in the world of death. It is the national dog of Mexico, it is about more than 3600 years old.yep it is one of the very ancient Dogs.

ok now let's talk about its height weight, personality, care, and other factors,

They mainly come in 3 Sizes.
Toy size, miniature size, and standard size.
They have a very strong body(mainly standard Dog)they have very stealthy and active Body design.
their height about 9 to 26 inches. and weigh about 5 -23 kilograms. 

The main thing they are known for in the world is for their Hairlessness. Hairless Mexican Xoloitzcuintli dog. They have very little hair in faces and tails. They are almost bald,(fun fact: The balder he is the fewer teeth he will have in his mouth) They have different skin colors/variation in fur and skin color. they come in black, grey, bronze, red and yellowish-blonde.

Hairless mexican xoloitzcuintli dog

As it has no hairs in its body, it requires great skincare. it has to take care by applying skin creams and other precautions. You have you bath him frequently.
 Although It may look a little  Spooky Dog for some, it is a very family-friendly Dog. it has a very loyal and obedient personality. it always tries to please his owner.


Mexican Chihuahua Dog

They are named after the place they have been found "chihuahua, Mexico". the name means Dry and Sandy Place. They are Most adorable and Short in nature, They are known for the shortest Dog in the world in Guinness world record.

Although they are found in Mexico their origin is unknown. It is believed that it is the Descendant of the native extinct Dog.
It comes in 2 sizes-toy sizes and miniature size(small dog size)


there are two varieties in this Dog breed: 1. Long-haired chihuahua

                                                                       2. Short-haired chihuahua

1. Long-haired chihuahua:

 Of course, as the name states, the Dogs in this variation have long hair over their body, especially in the ear & tail region.

2. Short-haired chihuahua:

 They have short hairs in their body as compared to Long-haired ones. They are usually smaller than them.

Mexican Chihuahua Dog

On the basis of their head, there are 2 types: 1. Apple headed chihuahua

                                                                             2. Deer headed chihuahua

1. Apple headed chihuahua:

They are actually cuter, They have round-apple shaped Head. Their eyes are close to each other and their legs and Ears are smaller.

2. Deer headed chihuahua

Deer headed chihuahua looks more like deer. They are a little big in size, their head shape is flat. They have very long Ears and medium-sized legs. Their face looks more like deers.

Mexican Chihuahua Dog

They weight up to 3 - 6 kilograms and height is up to 6 - 9 inches.
They usually have a long life expectancy of 13 - 18 years. if you take really good care of them and provide a good diet they can also live up to 20 years.
They have many hair color variants, up to  30 colors, and not suitable for cold weather.

Mexican Chihuahua Dog

They are aggressive towards strangers and need to socialize at a very young age. They are Family-friendly. they are recommended best to pet for small apartments. (Fun fact: Although they are family-friendly they are not recommended to keep in the house who have children, because they won't your children, but chihuahua may get hurt by the children's rough acts.) chihuahua get jealous and they are very alert and brave Dogs.

So this was the list of Mexican identified breeds list and info and fun facts, Below are the list of some near-extinct Dogs of Mexican Dog breeds.

1. Calupoh
2. Chamuco
3. Chinese Crested. (For more info, check out Wikipedia)

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